Saturday, January 4, 2014

Unusual and Strange Early Pregnancy Symptoms - Strange Signs of Pregnancy

Most of us know of the common pregnancy signs. Woman while planning pregnancy are not only aware but even are prepared to face these common earliest pregnancy symptoms. Are you prepared to face these unusual pregnancy symptoms? Only few of us know tat pregnancy symptoms can be extremely unpredictable. These symptoms increase the confusion and anxiety related to pregnancy and makes it hard for the woman to detect pregnancy. Many mom-to-be get confused that weather these unusual pregnancy symptoms are signaling any complication. Even some do not tell the doctor about these symptoms of pregnancy which is no-good for the healthy growth of their fetus.

In short the knowledge of strange pregnancy symptoms is critical to know for all expecting women.

Spider Veins: If the veins that surround upper arms and chest become more prominent then it is an unusual earliest pregnancy symptom. This is something that worries most women as they hate these spider veins. However doctors can relieve their confusion as this is only because of the increased flow of blood in the body. It helps the blood to be carried to different important body parts.

Nasal Congestion: If the nose is getting clogged again and again during pregnancy then the expecting mother must understand that it is happening because of the nasal congestion. This is also considered as the early pregnancy symptom. Nasal congestion results in uncomfortable sleeps during nights as is the case during flu. The nose may even bleed as well while you may not experience any other sign of cold. So if ever you experience nasal congestion in perfect weather then it is good to consult doctor for detecting pregnancy.

Strange Metallic Taste: There is a metallic taste of your mouth early in pregnancy. This is also regarded as an unusual pregnancy sign and is caused by the drastic changes in hormonal levels.

Flatulence: Arousal of gases and flatulence is not only an unusual but also an embarrassing pregnancy sign. This symptom can be avoided by slight modification in the diet chart.

Excessive Saliva Production: Many moms experience excessive saliva in their mouth. Excessive saliva leads to nausea which is a difficult to manage pregnancy system. Mouth of expectant mother may even drool during sleep.

Leg Cramping: If you wake up in the middle of the nights because of leg cramps and pain in legs in the middle of the night then be sure to contact doctor for detecting pregnancy. The doctor may blame the calcium deficiency during pregnancy for leg cramps. Doctor may help to lessen this unusual pregnancy symptom.

Pigmentation and Facial Hair: Though most women are ready to spend many bucks for removing facial hair still there is an increase in facial hair with pigmentation during pregnancy. So instead of parlors it is better to go to the clinic. As it is also a strange pregnancy symptom.

If ever any of the above unusual pregnancy signs are seen it is good to rush to the doctor to relieve the discomfort connected with these symptoms.

Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms and find the answer right now.

If the test says that you are not pregnant; even then do not get disappointed as Pregnancy Guide will give you some wonderful tips and soon you will be knitting the bay booties.

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Cervical Mucus After Ovulation - An Early Pregnancy Sign?

If you already chart your cervical mucus changes you probably know that it's possibly one of the best signs of approaching ovulation your body gives you, but did you know that if you pay close attention to your cervical mucus after ovulation it could also be one of the earliest pregnancy signs you could get?

Hormonal changes in your body are the reason your cervical mucus changes so much throughout your cycle. Usually you will go from dry to sticky or creamy cervical fluid before you get the most fertile type - slippery or egg white cervical mucus just before and during ovulation.

Under normal circumstances your cervical fluid dries up after ovulation and you'll notice hardly any mucus until you start to bleed again. Some women, however, suddenly start getting a lot of creamy cervical mucus that is white or yellow in color and has no or only a mild smell to it.

This creamy cervical mucus after ovulation could be leukorrhea - the same fluid you have probably noticed before - there is just much more of it now. Often times, women get this scary sounding mucus when they are pregnant, and this can sometimes be noticed as early as about 7 days after ovulation.

Leukorrhea is usually caused by an increase in hormones during pregnancy. Especially estrogen can be the cause for extreme amounts of secretions from your cervical glands. Luckily, these secretions are normal and their main function is to help clean your vaginal area.

If you normally experience a dry sensation after you have ovulated and all of a sudden you get lots of white, milky mucus this could very well mean you are pregnant.

It is, however, not always a sign of pregnancy. As with most other symptoms (for example frequent urination, breast tenderness, spotting, or abdominal cramping) it could also be a sign of approaching menstrual bleeding.

About 1 in 8 women who are trying to conceive experience an increase in cervical mucus after ovulation. Roughly half of them later find out they are pregnant.

Even though this looks like half of the women experiencing increased amounts of cervical mucus after ovulation are not pregnant, these statistics do not include women who have early miscarriages, so the real percentage of women with leukorrhea as an early pregnancy sign is probably greater than fifty per cent.

If you notice a large amount of creamy cervical mucus after you have ovulated and you experience any of these other early pregnancy symptoms, you should take a home pregnancy test... you could be pregnant!

Common early pregnancy symptoms:

  • Implantation Bleeding
  • Mild or dull cramps/achiness/pressure
  • Swollen Breasts
  • Fatigue or Tiredness
  • Nausea or Morning Sickness
  • Frequent Urination
  • Food Cravings
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn and/or Constipation
  • Lower Back Pain

If you are trying to get pregnant visit [] to get tips and advice on how to get pregnant [].

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy - 10 Pregnancy Signs You Should Know

Do you know what the very early signs of pregnancy are? Your body is a complex machine - finely tuned and is giving off signals all the time. Pregnancy is a huge change to your body's normal day-to-day functions and when you are with baby, your body will let you know!

Some moms-to-be will get one or two quiet signs at first, others' bodies will scream "I'M PREGNANT" with all 10 signs at once. As hormone levels fluctuate and your body learns how to react to these changed levels, most women will experience practically all of the very early signs of pregnancy. You just need to know what the signs are.

Elevated Basal Body Temperature
A woman's basal body temperature (the lowest body temperature attained during rest) begins to elevate after ovulation, and stays elevated past when you should have had your period. This increase in basal body temperature, usually one-half to one degree Fahrenheit, is a subtle very early warning sign of pregnancy. To get this clue, you should have some idea what your normal (non-pregnancy) basal temperature is.

Tenderness In The Breasts And Nipples
This is a classic early sign of early pregnancy - and one that often goes unnoticed. Many women attribute this tenderness to their bras or other clothing, and tend to ignore it. And, after the body gets used to the new hormone levels - the tenderness goes away.

So, you must pay close attention to what your body is trying to say - because it may stop talking after a while.

Darker, More Prominent Areolas
As your breasts change and enlarge, your areolas (the darker area that surrounds the nipple) will swell and get bigger, too. This is a very early sign of pregnancy - normally occurring around the time you expect your period. Some believe that the darker coloring of the areola helps the newborn find the nipple for breastfeeding. After pregnancy, your nipples and areolas should return to normal colors and sizes.

This is another very subtle clue - who doesn't get constipated at one time or another - without being pregnant? The changing hormone levels can play games with your bowels, interrupting the normal frequency and timing of your bowel movements.

Many women who are expecting just write constipation off as an unrelated issue. Like basal body temperature, paying close attention really can make a difference.

Light to moderate spotting (commonly called implantation spotting) normally happens a week to several days before your normal period is supposed to happen. Pink or brownish spotting is common a week or so after ovulation. Sometimes, spotting can simply be a sign of an early period. If this happens, look for other signs of pregnancy or take a pregnancy test.

Frequent Urination
Another classic very early sign of pregnancy, frequent urination should be a standout. This can be one of the earliest clues - happening a week to 12 days after a rise in basal body temperature, or about six weeks into your first trimester. While rising hormone levels are partly to blame, the most likely reason you feel like you have to pee every 5 minutes or so is the fact that the amount of blood in your body increases dramatically during pregnancy. This leads to a lot of extra fluids flowing through your kidneys - therefore a lot more pee!

Nausea And Vomiting
Commonly referred to as "morning sickness," this early sign of pregnancy usually affects most women and begins around the sixth week of pregnancy. Again, hormone levels are thought to be the main cause. Surprisingly, many doctors feel that morning sickness is a good sign that all is well with your baby's health and development. If your morning sickness is accompanied with vomiting, be sure to stay hydrated.

Menstrual Period Missed
While there are many reasons you may miss a menstrual period - stress, illness, excessive exercise, reactions to foods or medications - this can be a classic sign of pregnancy. If your period is very regular, and you have no other obvious reason to miss one, look for other early signs you may be pregnant.

Moderate to severe cramping can be a sign of many conditions - including pregnancy. Implantation cramping happens to a growing and moving uterus getting prepared to sustain a new life. Sometimes cramping can be a sign of constipation or gas in the bowels. Other more serious causes include miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

You shouldn't have cramping after a positive pregnancy test - if you experience cramps with mild spotting, see your doctor to be sure all is well.

Unusual Fatigue And Tiredness
In our rush-rush modern world, it's not unusual to be dead tired at the end of a busy day. Fatigue is different - a feeling of lethargy and exhaustion that seems to happen no matter your level of activity or time of day. The truth is, your body is working very hard to accommodate a new life. And, this work takes energy - energy that is taken from your daily activities.

If you notice some of these very early signs of pregnancy, test yourself with a good quality pregnancy test you can get at your local drug store. These home pregnancy tests have become quite accurate, normally being able to sense a pregnancy 10 to 14 days after contraception. If you get a negative, but still feel you may be pregnant - see your doctor to be sure.

If you or someone you love is struggling to get pregnant, then This May Be the most important information you can read!

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Dizziness During Pregnancy

Is Pregnancy related dizziness serious?

Dizziness during pregnancy is a fairly normal phenomenon for pregnant women. Occasional dizzy spells do not necessitate hitting the panic button or consult a doctor. Pregnant women undergo dramatic physiological changes, which lead to disruptions in the flow of blood (low blood pressure) from the lower half to the heart, brain and other vital organs. This induces a feeling of nausea and lightheadedness, which is a temporary condition and can be taken care off by lying down if possible on the left side of the heart. This posture improves blood flow from the heart to all the organs.

The cardiovascular system also changes dramatically in pregnant women. This leads to a significant increase in the rate at which the heart pumps blood per minute, with research pointing out 40-45 increase of blood in the body of pregnant women. During pregnancy the blood pressure decreases gradually in the majority of the women, reaching the minimum point during mid-pregnancy. After this point has been reached, the blood pressure again increases and grows back to normal. The body's cardio and nervous system are able to cope with the changes admirably during this condition and sufficient blood flows to the brain eventually. But occasionally the body does not cope or adapt quickly enough to the physiological changes induced by onset of pregnancy, which leads to feelings of lightheadedness and dizzy spells and in some cases may also lead to fainting.

The most common causes of dizziness during pregnancy are:

In the sitting position the blood generally concentrates around the feet and lower legs. When a pregnant lady stands up too fast, there is a delayed release of blood from the legs to the heart, this results in the blood pressure dropping fast, which results in feeling lightheaded.

Quick movement like springing up from the bed or a chair must be avoided at all occasions whatever might be the provocation. When getting up from a supine position, it a good idea to take time to sit up slowly from the bed and remain seated for a few minutes with legs touching the floor. Then slowly rise from the bed to stand. When getting up from a chair, it is necessary to rise slowly with the support of the arms to stand up.

Standing on one's feet for a long time can also make the blood concentrate in the feet and legs. It is advisable to make small leg movements to enable the blood to flow.

The growing uterus inhibits the blood circulation in the legs by compressing the large vein (Inferior Vena Cava) from the lower part to the heart. This problem becomes worse when pregnant women lie flat on the back. In this position the heart pumps less blood leading to a drop in Blood Pressure, leading to anxiety, nausea and dizziness.

It's advisable for women to lie on their left with a pillow under the head and a support pillow under the hips. This stops the uterus from compressing the vein.

Low or infrequent intake of food leads to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) which can lead to dizziness during pregnancy or fainting spells. Eating small yet frequent meals regularly during the day, instead of large meals is strictly advised. The idea is to tuck into some snack when feeling hungry, which is quite frequent among pregnant women.

Dehydration or lack of drinking water up to 8-10 glasses per day may also lead to feelings of dizziness during pregnancy.

ANEMIA is a condition when the body does not produce sufficient red blood cells. When the red blood cells in the body do not carry enough oxygen to the brain and other vital organs, an anemic condition results. Anemic women frequently experience dizziness. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anemia. A diet rich in iron is highly advisable. Fruits and vegetables containing iron must form part of the diet.

Sometimes taking a hot bath can also lead to feelings of lightheadedness, as this causes the blood vessels to dilate and result in lowering the Blood Pressure.

Taking warm showers is advisable.

Pregnant women need lots of fresh air and are best advised to avoid crowded rooms or streets.

Exercise is recommended for pregnant women for a normal delivery. But overdoing it can lead to feelings of dizziness during pregnancy. Exercises should be started slowly and must be done smoothly. The idea is to follow the dictates of the body to know when to stop.

When feeling lightheaded it is highly advised to lie down on the left side till the feeling goes away. When this feeling is experienced while driving, then it is advisable to stop the car and tilt towards ones left side till the feeling goes away. When this spell occurs in a room, it's advisable to sit down quickly (lest one falls down and gets injured in the process) and put the head between the legs, till the feeling subsides.

Feeling dizzy or lightheaded occasionally due to hunger, dehydration, heat or fast movements are fairly normal and one does not need to hit the panic button while experiencing these symptoms. But these are some symptoms which do necessitate a visit to a doctor in the case of pregnant women.

If frequent dizziness is accompanied by severe headaches, vision becoming blurred, inability to speak with clarity, heart palpitations, tingling sensation, pain in the chest, shortness of breath or bleeding, then it is highly advisable to call on a doctor or call for medical assistance as these conditions have the potential of affecting the baby.

If abdominal pain is accompanied by dizziness then taking immediate medical attention is necessary.

Dizziness during pregnancy, does not call for emergency medical attention in the majority of the cases and should be taken in stride. But if these spells become increasingly frequent then a visit to a doctor is definitely recommended.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Endometriosis And Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Research into endometriosis and pregnancy is carried out on a regular basis. There are questions about fertility, pregnancy and birth in those who also have endometriosis.

Endometriosis occurs as a result of the cells found inside the womb being found in other areas, these calls can be found on the inside and outside of the fallopian tubes, around the ovaries or on the outside of the womb.

For some women with endometriosis, getting pregnant can be an issue, however most do go on to conceive without the need for fertility treatment. There are a few cases of endometriosis where surgery has been needed to increase the individuals chance of becoming pregnant.

To diagnose endometriosis the individual will need to undergo a laparoscopic screening, a sample of tissue will be collected, this sample is then sent away for biopsy. Results of this test can usually take between 3 - 7 days. Following diagnosis, treatment will be given according to the patients needs.

The usual treatment for this condition, can affect the woman's chance of becoming pregnant, therefore if you are trying to become pregnant or you are pregnant you should always tell your doctor. This is so treatment can be changed accordingly.

Pregnancy during endometriosis can be troublesome, this is because the cells can cause severe pain, these pains plus the growing pains of pregnancy can sometimes be unbearable.

At present researchers of infertility treatment have discovered that 40 % of women who are pregnant also suffer with endometriosis. If the individual has the correct treatment for their needs they may be able to achieve a spontaneous pregnancy.

There is no cure for this condition, treatment can only help in dealing with the symptoms. The only time treatment will differ is if the individual is trying to become pregnant or they are already pregnant.

Endometriosis and pregnancy could lead to birth defects, miscarriage or possibly even an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies have the potential to be life threatening, if the individual does have endometriosis and they are pregnant, the appropriate tests will be carried out to determine a diagnosis.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs because the fertilised egg implants either outside of the womb, or inside the fallopian tubes. If an ectopic is left to continue the fertilised egg will either not survive or continue to grow. If the egg continues to grow this can cause serious health problems.

Ectopic pregnancies are more likely to occur in those who have had previous sexually transmitted infections and those who suffer with endometriosis. These STI's include Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.

Endometriosis and pregnancy does not cause problems for everyone, some women go on to achieve pregnancy, have a trouble free pregnancy and an uncomplicated birth. It has been suggested that a caesarean section may be done but my research has told me that in some cases this can cause other problems to occur. If you have any questions about Endometriosis and pregnancy speak with your doctor, they will be able to answer any questions you have.

For further information on Endometriosis And Pregnancy then please visit my health ezines site for detailed information not only on this disease but many other health related topics.

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Mom and Baby at 34 Weeks Pregnant


Your baby is quickly reaching his/her birth weight and height! At pregnancy week 34, he/she is just shy of 18 inches long from head to heel, and he/she weighs 4.7 pounds - almost 5 pounds!

(Keep in mind that the weight and length presented in these newsletters are only estimates. Some babies will be heavier, and others lighter. Likewise, some babies may be longer or shorter. Every baby is unique.)

* Your baby continues to grow and fill out this week. The fat layers underneath the skin, which will regulate your baby's body temperature after birth, are giving him/her a rounder appearance.
* The central nervous system and your baby's lungs are maturing this week. The lungs will not be fully functional until after your baby is full-term (after 37 weeks).
* By week 34 of pregnancy, your baby has settled into his/her birth position. The occiput anterior position (baby's head down and slightly turned to the side) is the best position for a vaginal delivery. If your baby is in a breech or transverse position, your doctor may try to manually rotate the baby.
* Your baby's digestive system is now fully functional. If your baby were born this week, he/she would be able to digest food.

Fun Fact:

If you were to go into premature labor at 34 weeks pregnant, your doctor would give you a steroid injection to speed up the maturity of your baby's lungs to prevent breathing problems after birth.


Your baby's due date is creeping up on you. Only about six weeks left to go! If you are pregnant with twins, you should expect them to arrive any day now. Though the ideal length of a twin pregnancy is between 38 and 40 weeks, over 50 percent of twins are born premature, or before 37 weeks.

At 34 weeks pregnant, your uterus is about five or six inches from the top of your belly button. And you may have gained anywhere between 25 and 30 pounds, though some women gain more and others less.

Fatigue will continue to haunt you this week. It may not be the same coma-like exhaustion that you experienced in the first trimester, but it is still draining nonetheless. Unfortunately, your fatigue is also accompanied by other physical discomforts, such as back pain, pelvic aches, and hip pain.

Though you are feeling increasingly uncomfortable at 34 weeks pregnant, just keep in mind that these discomforts won't last forever. They will go away once your baby is born. It's important that you try to get as much rest as you can. You need to save your energy for the "big day" and for the weeks and months that follow. (Taking care of a newborn is hard, exhausting work!)

Have you noticed that you need to pee more often than before? The frequent need to urinate comes back in the third trimester, thanks to your growing uterus and the pressure of your baby's head on your bladder.

If you need to go to the bathroom and you've been sitting or lying down for a while, don't immediately jump to your feet. This may cause blood to pool in your feet and legs, leading to a temporary drop in your blood pressure. This can make you feel dizzy or light-headed. So take your time getting up.

At pregnancy week 34, you may start to wonder when your baby will "drop" into your pelvis. If this is your first pregnancy, this descent into your pelvis, a process called "lightning," typically occurs several weeks before labor begins, though for women, it can occur days before labor. (In future pregnancies, lightning often doesn't happen before labor starts.)

Because every pregnancy is unique, it is hard to pinpoint what week this "drop" might occur. For some women, it may happen this week. For others, it might occur next week, or the one after that.

After your baby drops into your pelvis, you may notice that your baby is resting lower in your abdomen. You may feel some pressure in the vagina. If the pressure is excessive, or if you feel that your baby is "pushing down," call your doctor so that he/she can evaluate you for preterm labor.

Fun Fact:

Once lightning occurs, you will find that it's easier to breathe now. You might get relief from heartburn, and with less pressure on your stomach, you can eat more without feeling uncomfortably full.


An Overview of the Stages of Labor and Delivery

With your baby's arrival just around the corner, you should take some time this week and learn about the stages of labor and delivery. The process of childbirth is divided into three stages.

Stage 1: Early and Active Labor - During early labor, you will feel regular contractions that come every five to twenty minutes, and they last anywhere between 30 and 60 seconds. As you have contractions, your cervix gradually effaces (thins out) and dilates (opens up). You may have a bloody show (vaginal discharge that is tinged with blood) during early labor.

Early labor can last anywhere from a few days to a few hours. You typically stay home during this part of labor. When you are 4 centimeters dilated, you move into active labor. You will need to go to the hospital during active labor.

Once you are in active labor, your contractions will grow stronger, last longer, and they will get closer together. You will no longer be able to talk through your contractions. You will feel pressure in your lower back. If you desire pain relief, you will receive your epidural or spinal block during active labor.

The last part of active labor, when your cervix dilates from 8 to 10 centimeters, is called "transition." When you reach 10 centimeters dilated, you move out of active labor into the second stage of childbirth: the birth of your baby.

Active labor typically lasts four to eight hours for a first baby. But if you receive oxytocin (Pitocin), active labor may progress even quicker.

Stage 2: The Birth of Your Baby - When you are fully dilated (10 centimeters), you will feel pressure on your rectum as your baby's head moves through the birth canal. You will have a strong urge to push. You may receive an episiotomy at this point, though most women don't need one.

Once your baby head shows (called crowning), your doctor or healthcare provider will guide the baby out. The umbilical cord will be cut, and your baby will be cleaned up.

The second stage can last anywhere from a couple of hours to a few minutes. If you are a first-time mom, it may take longer for you to push out your baby.

Stage 3: The Delivery of the Placenta (Afterbirth) - As you are bonding with your newborn baby, your uterus will contract again as the placenta separates from the wall of your uterus. You may be asked to gently push to expel the placenta from your body. This stage typically occurs less than 30 minutes after your baby is born.

Dr. James W. Brann, M.D., is a retired obstetrician and gynecologist and editor of Women's Healthcare Topics. When you read "Mom and Baby at 34 Weeks Pregnant, you know it is accurate and has been approved by an experienced obstetrician/gynecologist. Dr. Brann has written many articles about 34 weeks pregnant that are great references.

Article Source:,_MD

Monday, December 30, 2013

Positive Pregnancy Test After 3 Weeks - Now What?

A positive pregnancy test is one of those moments in life when you just have to stop for a moment and stare at what's right in front of you. You might not believe it because you've been longing for it. Finally, the wait is over. You've reached the end of this particular milestone; you are pregnant. Now you have to go through the next nine months, reaching small milestones as you go until you finally meet the baby you want so much.

Positive Pregnancy Test After Period

For the most part, most women don't receive a positive pregnancy test result until after their period is late. There is a very good reason for this. Home pregnancy tests work by detecting the pregnancy hormone in your urine. The pregnancy hormone is called human chorionic gonodotropin, though it is more commonly referred to as hCG. Your level of hCG has to be high enough for a home pregnancy test to detect. Typically, that level has to be at least 25 mIU or higher.

Since every woman is different, there is no way to guarantee that your body will produce enough hCG to alert you to the fact that you are pregnant until you miss your period. For this reason, many women wait until the day they expect their period to arrive before they even bother to take an at-home pregnancy test. This eliminates many instances of sadness and unhappiness due to a negative pregnancy test result. Since they is no way to tell if a test result is a false negative until your period arrives and you take a positive test, many women choose to avoid this precarious situation all together.

Furthermore, at-home pregnancy tests are as much as 99 percent accurate when used on the day of your missed period. When used prior to this date, your test could be less accurate, providing you with a false negative. If you take a test early and you receive a positive result, you can rest assured that you are very likely pregnant. A false positive result is very, very rare.

Positive Pregnancy Test After 3 Weeks

For some women, the ability to find out you are pregnant at three weeks is entirely possible. You are three weeks pregnant three weeks from the date of the first day of your last period. Most women ovulate and become pregnant around 14 days after the first day of their last period.

Typically it takes a week or so before your fertilized egg makes its way through your fallopian tubes and into your uterus, but that's not a guarantee for all women. Some women find that their eggs travel much faster and begin producing hCG much faster and at much higher levels. For this reason, there are a few women who are able to take an early response pregnancy test and receive a positive result as few as three weeks after the first day of her last period. For most women, it takes four weeks to receive a positive test result.

Early detection tests are designed to detect lesser amounts of hCG in your urine stream. If you have enough, you can tell if you are pregnant as little as three weeks after the beginning of your last period. It is imperative that you remember, however, that this is not something that occurs for all women. A negative pregnancy test result at three weeks is not a big deal. It doesn't mean anything until your period arrives or does not arrive.

Positive Pregnancy Test Results

Now that you have a positive pregnancy test result, you need to know what happens next. Your job is only beginning when you reach this milestone. Whether you receive a positive pregnancy result after your missed period or a week before your missed period, you need to immediately call your obstetrician. Your doctor will want to schedule an appointment to see you. However, do not be alarmed if your doctor isn't interested in seeing you for several months. It is standard practice not to see a pregnant patient until she is closer to her second trimester.

The reason for this is to guarantee that your pregnancy is on track. It's easier for doctors to tell precisely how far along you are when they are able to feel your uterus, hear the baby's heartbeat and see the development of the baby on an ultrasound machine.

At your first appointment, your doctor might ask you to take a pregnancy blood test. This is another way to help determine how far along you are and how healthy your pregnancy really is. Your doctor will also help provide you with good information as to what you should and should not eat, how much weight you should ideally gain and how to maintain the best possible health throughout your pregnancy.

Keep in mind that when you see a positive result on a pregnancy test, you are more than likely pregnant. False positives are exceptionally rare. Unless you are taking medication to help with your fertility, you are likely pregnant when you see a positive test result. Some fertility drugs contain levels of hCG that can show up in your urine and cause you to see a positive result on a test. This is why it's important to know what you're taking and to take your doctor's advice when he or she tells you not to take an at-home pregnancy test.

A positive pregnancy test result is an exciting moment in a woman's life. The few weeks it takes before you are able to test at home between conception and your missed period can be very long, especially if you are trying to have a child and want desperately to know if you've managed to conceive. The best advice for you to is to be patient, which is much easier said than done. Your body will let you know when it's pregnant by either presenting you with the early symptoms of pregnancy or by causing you to miss your period.

For more information, please visit: Pregnancy Test

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