Saturday, December 7, 2013

Being Pregnant During The Fourth Week: Tips And Hints

During the fourth week of pregnancy, the woman must clearly find out if she is pregnant or not. Now, you are at the end of the first month of gravidity, and if you don't have a menstrual cycle, than you can be pretty sure you are pregnant, and you should also look for a week by week pregnancy chart. It is essential to take a pregnancy test now, if you are not conclusive about your state, but be really careful! It is essential to know the symptoms of ovulation, so you would not suffer from a false negative effect.

A woman that is pregnant in the 4th week must be careful during this stage, as the child develops really fast, the fetus started to develop and to grow immediately after conceiving and fertilizing, and it now has about 0.4 inches. It seems small, but it is surely bigger than it was last week. The child starts to grow fast during the first four weeks, and it continues to grow rapidly during the following period. For the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus is fixed on the walls of the urethra where it will remain for the following eight months. The development is still in an incipient phase, including cellular modifications.

The pregnancy chart will give the woman the method needed to determine if the fetus grows naturally or not, and the development during this week is specially connected with the capillary vessels. It is an important period, as those blood vessels represent the future network that will determine the future development of the fetus. It is important to ensure a healthy environment for the child for the fourth week of pregnancy, as with a good network of blood vessels, all the other organs of the body will grow faster and more powerful. The pregnancy by week charts estimate the size of the fetus as being as big as the core of an apple, but during this week, the fetus starts to develop its unique characteristics. However, even if those changes manifest for the child, the mother also suffers some significant modifications of behavior, and some interesting body changes.

During the 4 week of pregnancy, the body produces more HGC hormones than usual. This change of the hormonal equilibrium can provoke nausea, headaches, dizziness and even faint. Moreover, the first symptoms of pregnancy that can actually be felt by the woman are present. The mother starts to feel the baby developing starting with this fourth week, but the majority of signs are fake. Let's be serious, you can't feel a baby that has a few millimeters kicking, but the women think she hears those sounds.

Other symptoms for the 4 week of pregnancy can include cramps and pains in the area of the abdomen, and the majority of women talk about an exaggerated sensitivity of the breasts and even tickling. The pregnancy can also bring some other symptoms that can hardly be ignored, such as sensitivity to smells and perfumes, tiredness and changes that might make you feel irritated and disoriented.

The majority of pregnancy symptoms during this week are just as those of the PMS symptoms; therefore, the women are already used with it. Of course, this is different from any woman to the other, having a different evolution along pregnancy. Some women might need painkillers for the whole pregnancy period, while others would only feel some discomfort and unpleasant sensation that disappear after a while.

The pregnancy symptoms deserve maximum attention from any woman. The happiness of a mother is immense, and the changes that take place for the fourth week of pregnancy allow her to understand this normal and natural phenomenon. The woman must be prepared physically and psychically, and to prepare for future pregnancy and maternity. The woman must be happy for the whole pregnancy period, as this helps the baby more than you would think. The future mother must be well informed about all those symptoms, and there are many sources of information about the baby development. The family and friends could also be a great resource of good advices, especially your friends that already have a baby.

The woman must adopt a healthy way of living, and the fourth week of pregnancy represents the period in which the mother has already renounced smoking, alcohol and other bad habits. The first pregnancysymptoms can be easily defeated, with some exercises and by walking around the park every day. Remember that a positive attitude is mandatory, and some prenatal courses that will explain the pregnancy symptoms week by week might be of great help, not only because of the things you will learn there but also because of the friends you might meet.

In fourth week of pregnancy you will come to know that you are pregnant as you will miss your periods. Prepare yourself for the roller coaster ride of pregnancy.

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