Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cervical Mucus After Ovulation - An Early Pregnancy Sign?

If you already chart your cervical mucus changes you probably know that it's possibly one of the best signs of approaching ovulation your body gives you, but did you know that if you pay close attention to your cervical mucus after ovulation it could also be one of the earliest pregnancy signs you could get?

Hormonal changes in your body are the reason your cervical mucus changes so much throughout your cycle. Usually you will go from dry to sticky or creamy cervical fluid before you get the most fertile type - slippery or egg white cervical mucus just before and during ovulation.

Under normal circumstances your cervical fluid dries up after ovulation and you'll notice hardly any mucus until you start to bleed again. Some women, however, suddenly start getting a lot of creamy cervical mucus that is white or yellow in color and has no or only a mild smell to it.

This creamy cervical mucus after ovulation could be leukorrhea - the same fluid you have probably noticed before - there is just much more of it now. Often times, women get this scary sounding mucus when they are pregnant, and this can sometimes be noticed as early as about 7 days after ovulation.

Leukorrhea is usually caused by an increase in hormones during pregnancy. Especially estrogen can be the cause for extreme amounts of secretions from your cervical glands. Luckily, these secretions are normal and their main function is to help clean your vaginal area.

If you normally experience a dry sensation after you have ovulated and all of a sudden you get lots of white, milky mucus this could very well mean you are pregnant.

It is, however, not always a sign of pregnancy. As with most other symptoms (for example frequent urination, breast tenderness, spotting, or abdominal cramping) it could also be a sign of approaching menstrual bleeding.

About 1 in 8 women who are trying to conceive experience an increase in cervical mucus after ovulation. Roughly half of them later find out they are pregnant.

Even though this looks like half of the women experiencing increased amounts of cervical mucus after ovulation are not pregnant, these statistics do not include women who have early miscarriages, so the real percentage of women with leukorrhea as an early pregnancy sign is probably greater than fifty per cent.

If you notice a large amount of creamy cervical mucus after you have ovulated and you experience any of these other early pregnancy symptoms, you should take a home pregnancy test... you could be pregnant!

Common early pregnancy symptoms:

  • Implantation Bleeding
  • Mild or dull cramps/achiness/pressure
  • Swollen Breasts
  • Fatigue or Tiredness
  • Nausea or Morning Sickness
  • Frequent Urination
  • Food Cravings
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn and/or Constipation
  • Lower Back Pain

If you are trying to get pregnant visit [] to get tips and advice on how to get pregnant [].

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